Monday, March 29, 2010

Who is Shiva ? --- A discussion among Rishis

THE Pupil asks: 'At whose wish does the mind sent forth proceed on its errand? At whose command does the first breath go forth? At whose wish do we utter this speech? What god directs the eye, or the ear?' The wise answers our questions with a single word -- 'Shiva', But Who is he ? What is he ? Please explain to us about 'Shiva'.

The Teacher replies: 'Shiva is the ear of the ear, the mind of the mind, the speech of speech, the breath of breath, and the eye of the eye. When freed (from the senses) the wise, on departing from this world, become immortal.

The eye does not go thither, nor speech, nor mind. We do not know, we do not understand, how any one can teach about 'Shiva'. ' Lord Shiva is different from the known, at the same time Shiva is also above the unknown, thus we have heard from those of old, who taught us this.That which is not expressed by speech and by which speech is expressed, that alone know as 'Shiva', not that which people here worship. That which does not think by mind, and by which, they say, mind is thought, that alone know as SHIVA, not that which people here worship. That which does not see by the eye, and by which one sees (the work of) the eyes, that alone know as SHIVA, not that which people here worship.That which does not hear by the ear, and by which the ear is heard, that alone know as SHIVA, not that which people here worship. That which does not breathe by breath, and by which breath is drawn, that alone know as SHIVA, not that which people here worship.

If you think: "I know Shiva well," then surely you know but little of Its form; you know only Its form as conditioned by man or by the gods. Therefore SHIVA, even now, is worthy of your inquiry. Lord Shiva is known when he is realised in every state of mind; for by such Knowledge one attains Immortality. By Atman one obtains strength; by Knowledge, Immortality . If a man knows Atman(Shiva) here, he then attains the true goal of life. If he does not know It here, a great destruction awaits him. Having realised SHIVA,the Self in every being, the wise relinquish the world and become immortal.

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